Spore Fishtrapper
Spore was born to the Rothlyt Isles, a group of islands off the coast of the Black Shroud, in a small fishing village. They were satisfied with the family trade until the fall of Dalamud slowed trade to a halt and Spore chose to leave a life of fishing nets and vegetable gardens to chase coin as an adventurer.
Life and adventures
Gridania reminded Spore of home in appearances only. The traders they met back home were friendly and warm, but the populace of the main city proved to be colder and judgemental of the outsider who knew little of their customs. As they journeyed, Limsa, a chaotic town of pirates and sailors, they found to be much more like home off the sunny shores of Vylbrand. Graced with salt spray and closer to citizens of Summerford, it was almost a second home on the opposite end of Eorzea.
Most days of adventuring are behind the Elezen, preferring to put the fortune gained from their travels into ensuring a more idyllic life growing flowers of all colors and kinds in their apartment turned greenhouse. A few too many terrifying encounters with fae, Garlean horrors, and just plane terrifying creatures of the world convinced them that maybe a life of excitement was not quite the most preferable one. Their skills stay honed however, having seen too much to let the star they call home to simply wither away as they find the perfect shade of blue for a lily. And in occassion, those skills are put to use, particularly when strange towers began to haunt the horizon.
Age: 27---Gender: Transfeminine Gendequeer---Pronouns: She/They
A knowledge of the natural world fills the inquisitive Elezen's mind from a childhood in the isles and fascination of the world they travelled and they have taken to using it to grow all manner of flowers. Whether it is an apple a rose, or some manner of bean, Spore is not afraid to give growing it a try. With a bookcase, strange concoctions, and enough sunlight, anything can be grown! They've found work in all manner of places, from humble encampments to busy dive bars, discovering quite a living in working with their hands when duty calls.
While trained to use a bow from childhood, Spore found more to gain in utilizing ways intended to protect their companions from harm in harrowing dungeons and wars across the land. Many would choose heavy armor to dive into the fray, able to withstand all manner of assault, but the school of gladiators imparted in them the advantage of agility, able to deflect and parry all manner of attacks with their steel and leaving the slender Elezen preferring magicked threads to enchanted plate and a swift rapier to a honed longsword.
Spore Fishtrapper @ Sargatanas, Aether---SporeInsanity#1089 @ Discord